Our Top 5 Travel Therapy Resources
It seems that every day there are more helpful resources out there for travel therapists. Any little step to make our lives easier is a good thing right! Here are our top 5 travel therapy resources!
1. aPTitude
Managing multiple licenses can be a difficult and occasionally painful task, but the FSBPT has created a tool to take a bit of the edge off. aPTitude is a License and CEU manager. Using the super intuitive, and FREE, tool, you can track license renewals dates and credits as you acquire them. It even serves as a great resource for other license related questions specific to each state!
2. MeetUp.com
Moving into new places can be intimidating and occasionally lonely, at least initially. meetup.com is a fantastic resource that can help you to quickly connect with other folks in your area who are doing the stuff you like to do. When we were in Berkeley, CA I was using meetup.com 2-3 nights a week to find pick-up soccer games or local group runs with other runners. Oh, and its FREE too!
3. Travel Therapists Facebook Page
I’m sorry if you’re not on the BookFace. You are better than me.
But if you are, this is one group that is super helpful. Full of travel PT, OT, and SLP’s a huge range of topics are discussed on the page. The comments on the page are mostly informative (though sometimes bad advice is dispensed) and everyone is tremendously supportive.
4. These 3 posts
I cannot believe that I am including our own posts in this list. I honestly scoured the inter-webs searching for something as comprehensive but came up short.
Being able to understand how to be more valuable as a clinician, and how to get paid as such is essential for the travel therapist. These three posts (here, here, and here) will take you through the steps needed to build your own professional value and how to negotiate effectively.
*We are also excited to announce the pending release of our first e-Book which covers these topics and much more!
5. MedBridge
After long searching for an internet based CEU provider that had courses that were actually useful, we finally stumbled upon MedBridge. With a whole host of the top thought leaders in PT teaching (Chad Cook, Terry Malone, Peter Millett, Gary Gray, etc.) the courses are engaging, incredibly informative, and cheap. Regularly priced at $375/year for unlimited credits it is already a good deal. MedBridge is nearly constantly running promotions (currently it is $200/yr) making it even more affordable. However, MedBridge has provided our readers discount to get $175 off! Just follow any of the MedBridge links on this page.
So there you go! Hope you guys found these links as helpful as we have!
Call for comments: What other resources have you found helpful! Knowledge is power!
Written by: Stephen Stockhausen