Avila Ridge

The Scrambling Begins

Wow! 13 weeks goes by quickly! Tomorrow marks the start of our last week here on the Central Coast…at least for now.  Our contracts come to a close and we must prep for 6 weeks adventuring various parts of the country. It’s a complete paradigm shift from the rat race ortho world we once...

Matanuska Glacier

Perfect Road Tripping Partners

Road trips are amazing!  Epic journeys spanning expansive swaths of the country, exposing often overlooked treasures with every passing mile.  Pupils agape full bore, soaking in sights previously unseen or, more likely, unobserved. The best road trips ignite flickers of amazement and wonder deep in the recesses of our being.  Twitching and sparking inside...

Zion storm

The Many Hats of Home Health

The Many Hats of Home Health In a prior article (found here) I describe 3 enormous reasons why home health is the ideal setting for any clinician.  This article will go a bit more in depth into the good, bad, ugly, and disgusting aspects of the setting my wife and I have grown to love....

Valley of the Gods

Home Sweet Home…Health

Home Sweet Home Health For years the home health therapist has been getting a bad wrap.  Working solo much of the time a clinician can go about their day largely unseen. Subsequently there is little perceived oversight, presumably leading to complacency and poor clinical decision making.  The image of a home health therapist that...

Big Sur cliffs

Adventures in Big Sur, CA

Big Sur, CA   Big Sur, CA From San Luis Obispo, Big Sur is only slightly over an hour north along the appropriately famous Hwy 1.  Traveling through the coastal towns of Morro Bay, Cayucas, Cambria, and San Simeon, “The 1” bobs and weaves its way past Hearst Castle and Elephant Seal breeding grounds...

so this one time…Ep.1

Ellen and I are currently in training for an ultra-marathon.  50 miles, 10,000ft of climbing, and as if that was not daunting enough, its at 8,500ft of altitude.  Needless to say we have been eager to train as much as possible.  Especially since we now live at sea level in Shell Beach, California.  This is...

Traveling to Glacier NP

5 Phrases All Clinicians Must Know

Within the current structure of our wonderful healthcare system, reports of physicians and other “gate-keepers” spending a mere 8-10 minutes with a patient is increasingly common.  Our wonderful profession prides itself on the quantity of one-on-one time we have with our patients.  In this abundance clinicians are often wallowing through this gluttonous amount face time...

camping lights

Camping Gear – small items

On our recent camping trip to Big Sur we came to the realization that there are a ton of small gadgets and useful tools that make our trip just a teensy bit better.  After setting up/tearing down countless camps, and spending multitudes of moonlit nights reading and laughing by a crackling fire, we have...

The Best-est

Here is a not so comprehensive list of our favorite places and experiences along our travels so far: Favorite Sunset Location: Being suckers for the magnitude of mountainous terrain we have to vote for Baldy Peak in Eagle River, Alaska.  What most folks forget is that the  “golden hour” of sunlight is nearly a “golden”...

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