Our Big Announcement!

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Our Big Announcement!

After months of hard work we are finally ready to announce the launch of not 1, but 2 courses!

On 8/11/18 we will be accepting enrollment for both Elite Level courses!

Driving home our site-wide theme of being able to take control of our personal and professional lives, this course guides both new and experienced therapists in the steps needed to do so within their therapy career.

Elite Level is an advanced level course for physical therapists and comes in two flavors – for Travel Therapists and Permanent Therapists.

On 8/11/18 we will be accepting enrollment for both Elite Level courses!

After being inundated with questions regarding contract negotiation advice and how therapists can demand the sort of pay they deserve, we decided to create a comprehensive course that provides step by step guidance for PT’s to grow their skills, win jobs, and be able to command the sort of contract that fits their needs and wants.

The techniques and skills taught in these courses rely heavily on clinical psychology research and our own extensive experience.

Given all of the tips that can be implemented immediately, this course will not only help PTs to make more money, but it very well should pay for its self 5x over in the matter of months!

Stay Tuned for access beginning 8.11.18






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