Cushman Lake, WA

Traveling Therapy for New Grads?

New Grads Read this First! Traveling for New Grads As NPTE Board exam season begins to roll through so do the emails and questions from potential new grads regarding making the jump into travel PT straight out of school.  Clearly this is a growing interest amongst PT students, so the following is my take...

Travel Therapists Christmas in Big Sur

The Secret Side of Travel Therapy

The Secret Side of Travel Therapy Last night eleven travel therapists all crowded around a long artificially distressed wood high-top table found at the back of one of the many trendy bars in San Luis Obispo, CA.  Initially meeting with the intent to discuss the applicability of a research article on our home health...

Layla at Weaver Lake

Creating a Goal Hierarchy

Create a Goal Hierarchy *This post is a continuation and expansion on the concept of fulfillment discussed in the previous post, which can be found here. Once we had a more distinct and clear idea of what fulfillment would look like in our lives, we then began to deconstruct it into it’s various pieces. ...

Cayenne's deep stare

Why is traveling therapy right for you?

Why is traveling therapy right for you? The world of traveling therapy is full of unique personalities.  There is by no means a single archetype that is “The classic travel therapist.”  We come in all shapes and sizes.  Introverts – extroverts, specialists – generalists, new grads – experienced clinicians, even part time – full...

Automotive University

We often get asked how we tolerate the massive amounts of time we spend in the car while working home health (or road tripping).  Automotive University A more straight forward response is Podcasts Podcasts are a fantastic method of taking in interesting information that is presented in an engaging and entertaining manner.  Due to...

Top 5 Travel Therapy Resources

Top 5 Travel Therapy Resources

Our Top 5 Travel Therapy Resources It seems that every day there are more helpful resources out there for travel therapists.  Any little step to make our lives easier is a good thing right! Here are our top 5 travel therapy resources! 1. aPTitude Managing multiple licenses can be a difficult and occasionally painful...

Shell Beach Sunset

Maintaining Perspective

It is so easy to speed through life. While driving between patients today my wife sent me a text message saying that a patient we share is being placed on hospice care.  His cancer is metastasizing and we are no longer needed on the case.  This is not the first time either of us...

2016 Travelers Conference Re-cap

2016 Travelers Conference Re-cap Travelers Conference 2016 was essentially a celebration of the freedom and the adventure that the travel healthcare lifestyle brings – no wonder it was in Las Vegas!  3 days of seminars, networking, schmoozing, wine-and-dining, and of course some all night parties!  Despite all of the shenanigans, we would leave the...

Black and White image of Ellen at the Grand Canyon

Gray Pride

Gray Pride As another election season rolls through, the various media outlets and talking heads busy themselves by spouting pseudo-news and ever increasingly alarmist stories about “A country divided!”  We have Red states, Blue states, Environmentalists, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, Anti-LGBT, Black Lives Matter, the 99%, States Rights, Big Business, Big Pharma…Big Deal! Working as a...

Haleakala Sunrise

3 Steps to Make More Money – part 3

We have been asked numerous times about how we go about negotiating contracts.  How we have been able to land salaries 13-30% higher than the initial offers.  In order to properly address this topic we are going to do a three part series. The reason for this is straight forward.  There is no magic...

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