Sleeping Travel baby

Traveling with a Baby: 3-6 Months

Traveling with a Baby: 3-6 Months In this post I’d like to share a bit of what we, idiot novice parents, have learned during the past few months, and given that we tend to live a more minimalist lifestyle, what gear (baby stuff) we have found is worth bringing along for the adventure.  Prior...

Stress management in Mexico

Stress Management for Travel Therapists

  Stress Management for Travel Therapists As I write this post my wife is franticly scrambling around the house making final arrangements for our trip this weekend out west to run the Antelope Canyon 55K.  Not only do we have to get ourselves to the airport in time to make our flight from Cincinnati...

Travel Physical Therapist exploring lake

3 Steps to Starting Travel Therapy in 3 Months

3 Steps to Starting Travel Therapy in 3 Months Abruptly bouncing into travel physical therapy is not necessarily the best strategy for success during your first contract, but then again not every situation can be ideally planned out.  A surprising number of travelers have had to tackle this tasks in an abbreviated time frame. ...

Travel therapist

6 Steps to Start Travel PT in 6 Months

6 Steps to Start Travel PT in 6 Months When we first were contemplating making a monumental career move by plunging into the travel physical therapy world, we felt totally and utterly overwhelmed. As I am sure many of you pondering the same transition are.  So many moving pieces.  So many options.  So many...


Tackling Tough Contracts

Tackling Tough Contracts 3 Simple tips to always make the most out of a tough contract *Disclaimer – If a facility is truly doing something illegal or unethical please by all means follow the proper procedures and report them.  This post is meant for the jobs that are simply less than ideal but not...

Leaders at Horseshoe Bend

So They Say You Can’t Travel With Kids…

So They Say You Can’t Travel With Kids… The finer points of being pregnant while traveling. Who else has heard the phrase, “you’re so lucky you can do this before you have kids”, or “take advantage of it now while you can”, or other such phrases insinuating that traveling (and life) is over once...

Christmas as Travelers

Christmas as Travelers Christmas time brings nostalgia to all of us.  Fond memories of Christmas Eve’s spent anxiously awaiting Santa.  Tearing through wrapping paper, rabid for the next toy or ugly sweater neatly tucked into a flimsy cardboard box.  We all have our favorites.  El and I have ours too. Our First Christmas Our...

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