Truck in Sequoia National Park

The Perfect Traveler Rig

The Perfect Traveler Rig: Our ideal set-up for a traveling adventure lifestyle Imagine waking up along the Pacific coastline with morning light flickering off the water onto your sleeping bag. Or pulling off to the side of a remote Canadian highway late at night only to find yourself comfortably asleep 5 minutes later to...

Zombies and Baby Farts

Zombies and Baby Farts – Our Battle with the 4 Month Sleep Regression 4 months and 10 days! We had 4 months and 10 days of (relatively) restful sleep before our little angel baby decided to go demonic on us on a nightly basis!  Sure, Kinley had always been dealing with night waking (waking...

Gear Review: BOB Revolution Pro Running Stroller

Gear Review: BOB Revolution Pro Running Stroller As far as new parents go, we were serious procrastinators when it came to purchasing a baby running stroller. “We’ll just carry her”, we thought, and we requested a Ergo Baby from our relatives when Kinley was born (it’s amazing!). Although we had heard great things about...

Little Molas Lake

Traveling with a Baby: Pregnancy

Traveling with a Baby: Pregnancy As many of our readers and Facebook followers may know, we welcomed our first child into the world on August 24th!  Kinley Stockhausen joined our family and has been exploring the San Juan mountains surrounding Durango, CO (our home base) with us ever since. But as easy as post-pregnancy has...


Minimalism Light and fast Maybe we have spent too much time running up mountains and on long “adventure runs” out untracked trails, but the Mountain Running ethos of “Light and Fast” has thoroughly permeated our lives. At this time we are packing up our lives in Washington and beginning another move of 1,400+ miles...

camping lights

Camping Gear – small items

On our recent camping trip to Big Sur we came to the realization that there are a ton of small gadgets and useful tools that make our trip just a teensy bit better.  After setting up/tearing down countless camps, and spending multitudes of moonlit nights reading and laughing by a crackling fire, we have...

Pentax K-50 DSLR Camera

Trying to find the right DSLR camera is a tough task.  But finding one that can keep up with the two of us felt link an impossible challenge.  Why? Because most cameras that can withstand single digit temperatures, jostling in the back of a pack, sideways rain, and blowing sand begin at a price...

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